South Barrington Conservancy

The South Barrington Conservancy is located on 35 acres of lightly wooded prairie and wetland along the west side of Bartlett Road. The Conservancy preserves the Village’s rural heritage and accentuates the semi-rustic feel from which South Barrington was developed. The preservation of open space is consistent with the goals of the Village’s comprehensive plan as well as the larger, regional comprehensive plan adopted by the Barrington Area Council of Governments (BACOG).

Adjacent to the Conservancy is the South Barrington Park District’s Community Park that includes a playground, softball fields, soccer fields, pavilion and restrooms.  A pedestrian pathway was added connecting the Conservancy to The Arboretum of South Barrington, an upscale lifestyle center with restaurants, retail stores, and entertainment venues. A spacious parking lot with bike rack lies on Bridges Drive between the picnic grounds and the prairie trails.

Mission Statement

To preserve the unique natural areas of the Conservancy for the benefit of all residents of South Barrington.  To bring together the wetland and upland areas to allow for both conservation and enjoyment of this beautiful natural space.

Property, Location and Description

Invasive Plant Species in Northeastern Illinois

Invasive Plant Species in Northeastern Illinois

The Conservancy consists of lightly wooded prairie and wetland along the west side of Bartlett Road. Upland areas are a mixture of tall grass prairie, cottonwood groves, and a large marshy pond that feeds a stream that meanders through the property to the southwest. The wetland area provides habitat for migrating waterfowl and other wildlife species.  A program for eradication of invasive species is maintained through controlled burns, specific herbiciding, and volunteer efforts at weeding and brush control.

Native plants are scattered throughout the Conservancy, on the entrance mound, along the trails, and in special gardens.  The small arboretum surrounding the picnic grounds promotes native trees, such as Gingko, Bur Oak, White Oak, Kentucky Coffee Tree, Smoke Tree and others.  This passive recreation area is a step back in time when prairies were untouched.  Families can share the beauty and tranquility of this natural area close to home.

Conservancy Features
In spring, residents can experience photography classes and educational walks.

An observation platform overlooking the large pond makes possible viewing of migrant waterfowl. Nesting boxes throughout the Conservancy attract protected blue birds and tree swallows. A mowed trail and a wood chip trail invite hikers to explore deeper into the prairie.  It is hoped dog walkers will respect others and clean up after their dogs.

Arbor Day is annually celebrated with native tree planting followed by fellowship and refreshments.

In the fall the Conservancy comes alive with the annual Scarecrow Trail Walk, sporting very creative scarecrow scenes created by local businesses and organizations.

Special Event Permit
Special events require a permit from the Village. Youth activities, music, art festivals, group picnics, wedding and anniversary events, and receptions are welcomed.  Fitness activities such as Yoga and Tai Chi classes are encouraged as well as lectures, artisan fairs, and educational seminars. Restricted activites include active sports and high levels of noise.


Conservancy Park Use Regulations

The following rules and regulations governing the use of conservancy areas have been adopted to further the purpose and goals of the Conservancy Commission, and to insure the appropriate use of the areas for the enjoyment and general welfare of the public while protecting the areas in their natural states.

  1. Conservancy areas are open to all, free of charge, from sunrise to sunset.
  2. Individuals are welcome for nature study or quiet exploration. Activities which could interfere with quiet observation by other visitors are not allowed, this includes, but is not limited to: loud music or noise; fireworks, active sports such as soccer, baseball, football, etc..
  3. Groups in excess of 15 people or events expected to attract more than 15 people must apply for a permit for use of a conservancy area from the Village of South Barrington.  The Village of South Barrington may require a cleanup security deposit of $20.00 per person prior to the issuance of a permit.  Uses not in keeping of the purpose of conservancy area shall be denied.
  4. Plants, flowers, equipment, boulders or rocks, picnic tables, waste containers, trail markers, signs, or any other parts of a conservancy area may not be collected, removed, rearranged, or damaged.
  5. Open fires and wood or charcoal barbeques are not permitted without the prior written approval of the Village of South Barrington.  Gas barbeques will be permitted at any time.
  6. Use of a conservancy area parking lot shall be restricted to use by patrons of the conservancy area only. Overnight parking is prohibited.  Violators may be towed pursuant to current Village ordinances and state statutes.  Motorized vehicles, except for maintenance equipment or emergency vehicles, are restricted to the designated parking area and are otherwise not permitted within the conservancy area.  Bicycles are restricted to the paved areas and the designated mowed trails.
  7. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in a conservancy area without the prior written approval of the Village of South Barrington.
  8. Swimming or wading in ponds is not permitted.
  9. Domesticated animals are not permitted in the conservancy area.

Conservancy Commission
The Conservancy Commission consists of five members, all appointed by the Mayor with advise and consent of the Board of Trustees.  The Mayor designates the Chairperson. Recommendations on all matters of the Conservancy are presented to the Board of Trustees for approval. Upon approval of a submitted plan, the Commission manages and regulates the Conservancy under the oversight of the Mayor.  Any resident interested in becoming involved in the Conservancy programs, planning, and restoration activities should contact the Village office at 847-381-7510.