Committees & Commissions


The Village has standing committees, which consist of members of the Board, Village residents, and staff members.  The Mayor serves as an ex-officio non-voting member on all committees.  These meetings are held as needed.  The schedule, agendas, and minutes are available on the Meetings page.

Building & Zoning

Chairperson:  Trustee Stephen Guranovich

Trustee Anthony Stagno
Trustee Hina Patel
Staff: Building Officer

Emergency Management Committee

Chairperson: Trustee Hina Patel

Trustee Anthony Stagno
Trustee Stephen Guranovich
Staff: Chief of Police


Chairperson: Trustee Anthony Stagno

Trustee Joseph Abbate
Trustee Edgar Alvarado
Staff: Village Treasurer

Legal & Human
Resources Committee

Chairperson: Trustee Anthony Stagno

Trustee Edgar Alvarado
Staff: Village Treasurer

Public Works

Chairperson: Trustee Anthony Stagno

Trustee Joseph Abbate
Trustee Hina Patel
Trustee Kanu Panchal

Staff: Village Engineer

Public Safety

Chairperson:  Trustee Joseph Abbate

Trustee Stephen Guranovich
Trustee Edgar Alvarado
Staff: Chief of Police

South Barrington
Tree Advisory Committee

Chairperson: Mayor Paula McCombie

Village Arborist John Kelly
Consultant Gary Keclik


Volunteers from the Village serve on a variety of Commissions.  These residents give of their time and talent to provide a professional level of service to the benefit of their community.  You are encouraged to contact the Mayor if you are interested in participating where a vacancy exists.

Architectural Control Commission

Chairperson: Michael Rafferty

Patricia Baldino
James Bodkin
Don Crosby
Julius Kwasek
Michael McCombie
Alfred Saller

Conservancy Commission

Chairperson: Vacancy

Navraaz Basati
Aga Razvi
Member – Vacancy
Member – Vacancy

Ethics Commission

Chairperson: Vacancy

Don Crosby
Prakash D. Jotwani
Carole Miller
Member – Vacancy

Plan Commission &
Zoning Board of Appeals

Chairperson: Michael McCombie

Anthony Abri
Dr. Louise Fox
David Gillis
Julius Kwasek
Dr. Narayan Murarka
Shahzad Kazi

Police Commission

Chairperson: Shireesha Carse

Kenneth Michonski
Neal Patel

Police Pension Board Fund

President: Sam Lopez
Secretary: Jason Axelrod
Assistant Secretary: Joseph Abbate
Treasurer: Michelle Bodie
Trustee: Edgar Alvarado
Attorney: Thomas Hartwell

Property Maintenance
Board of Appeals

Michael McCombie
Donald Crosby
Al Saller