Mayor’s Message for Friday, February 7, 2025
- Posted by rey-sb
- On February 17, 2025
Dear Residents,
Punxsutawney Phil delivered some grim news on Groundhog Day by predicting six more weeks of winter – let’s hope he’s wrong!
But whatever weather is coming our way, please note the Village of South Barrington’s Weather Station is located just outside Village Hall and monitors our weather conditions 24/7 365 days a year. You can download the app on your desktop and mobile device to see the real-time weather data by clicking here. The Weather Station also provides historical data allowing you to track the weather conditions through the years – something to do if we get another snowstorm this winter.
AC Solar Project
Next step in the process for the AC solar project at the decommissioned landfill on Mundhank Road is for the Village Board to address the preliminary approval recommendation from the Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals. If you are interested in this project, please attend our meeting on February 13 at 7 p.m. at the Village in Rose Hall.
Conservancy Master Plan for a Grant Application
As a reminder, I would like to encourage residents to vote and shape the future of the South Barrington Conservancy. There is a brief NEW survey through the link provided below on our web page.
The survey contains two different plans but the way the survey is structured, participants will have the opportunity to select their favorite aspects of each plan. By selecting your favorite items, you will help us choose the plan that best meets our community’s needs and vision. Aspects of both Plan A and B can be mixed and reconstructed to come up with what you regard as the best of the two plans.
We will be applying for a grant to pay for most of the enhancement. Your time to weigh in is greatly appreciated. Click the link to access the survey .
Dark Skies initiative
Communities in Illinois are being now being asked to follow the state’s lead in observing Dark Skies protocols.
Dark Skies is an initiative to direct artificial light to the ground rather than in the sky. On January 1, 2025, the Illinois Responsible Outdoor Lighting Control Act took effect and under this law, any new luminaires purchased with State funds for use on Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) property must follow dark skies guidelines. The law also encourages local government to follow Dark Sky International lighting guidelines to reduce energy usage, mitigate the effects of light pollution, and serve as a model of responsible lighting for residents and businesses.
You can find out more about the benefits of darker skies and the actions municipalities are taking to preserve dark skies, conserve energy, and protect wildlife in advance of International Dark Sky Week on April 21-28.
Holiday Light Recycling
Speaking of lighting, the Village’s 2025 Holiday Light Recycling program ends on Friday, February 28.
In keeping with our environmental and sustainability goals, we offer the Holiday Light Recycling Program. A recycling cart marked “RECYCLE HOLIDAY LIGHTS” is located outside the Village Hall entrance for collection. The following items are accepted: mini lights (or Italian lights), C7 lights, C9 lights, rope lights, LED lights, and extension cords. Recyclable lights must be free of debris such as tinsel and tape.
The Holiday Light Recycling program is just one of many ways you can recycle and reduce waste. Here are some suggestions from SWANCC (Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County) to reduce, reuse, and recycle that can be put into practice all year!
- Reduce food waste, buy only what you need
- Shop with reusable bags
- Always carry a reusable water bottle
- Planting a garden
- Buy local when possible
- Walk or bike when you can this will reduce carbon emissions
- Conserve water, don’t let water run; use as necessary
To learn more, log onto
As always, I am here to listen to your thoughts and concerns. Feel free to email me at, or use the anonymous comment boxes located in the lobbies of Village Hall and the Police Department. I review these messages privately and value your input.
Have a great weekend.
Paula McCombie